About The Academy

The Sharks Academy is the ultimate gateway to success. We offer basketball and volleyball sessions for different age groups and levels of ability to promote the development of one’s athletic potential fit for progression. The academies are programmed to test, and train individuals, groups, and teams in an environment fit for competition.

Why an Academy?

The Sharks Academy aims to provide individuals in our academy and the wider community the same opportunities as in mainland Europe, America, and Turkey; the chance to play sports in a scheduled format throughout the day and the opportunity to gain scholarships to further your education and professional sporting career. We intend to use the academy as a significant part of developing young talented players. We will continue to grow with the likes of Barking Abbey; an academy granted the title of ‘Regional Institute’ of Basketball. Channels such as these serve as a centre that provides a suitable environment to make you an international-level sportsperson, and we will help you get there.


London Sharks Academy welcomes every child regardless of their ability or fitness. We simply ask for your commitment. This is the right one for you if you want to join an encouraging, enjoyable, and successful club. We will support you throughout your journey.

You may register for our Basketball Academy using this link.


Training sessions are based on ability and performance.

Everybody has talent, but ability takes hard work

Michael Jordan